Stihl and Harbourview

Stihl and Harbourview

There is no job too big or too small for Harbourview Property Management. When going gets tough, the tough use Stihl. Some people pronounce it “steel”, some call it “still”, but however you say it, they are Canada’s number one selling brand in outdoor power equipment. Harbourview has been using their products for years and will continue for years to come.
Here four cornerstone reasons why Harbourview trusts their products.

You can’t get the job done if your equipment quits on you. Only Stihl tools have proven themselves time and time again to withstand the rigors of the commercial use we put them through.  This tree was no match for a chainsaw that’s older than I am.  Like a hot knife through butter!


With Harbourview’s wide range of varying jobs, Stihl offers the best selection of different tools under the same umbrella of excellence! From their chainsaws, to their line trimmers, from backpack blowers, to their Kombi systems, these tools have us covered.

Stihl is the front runner in innovative technologies. Their Kombi system allows users to interchange tools using the same motor, eliminating the need to carry excess equipment. Using the same motor base, you can choose from things like a line trimmer, a sweeper, a tiller, a blower, and more! It’s like the Swiss Army Knife of outdoor equipment.


Finally we trust Stihl products because they are backed up with excellent support in the form of their specialty dealers (covering both residential and commercial use). Even the best tools are subject to wear and tear. If we need a part or some service, it’s great to know we can rely on any of over 8500 specialty dealers to take care of our needs.

With tools like these in our arsenal, Harbourview  can tackle any job.

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